and kids

and kids

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Sneak Peek

We've decided, after being in this house six years, that it needs to be painted. Actually, we knew it needed a paint job when we moved in, so I guess I should say....We've decided to finally paint the house.

Our house is mostly brick, but on the sides there is Masonite siding. It has been a yellowish/cream color and the trim (shutters and around the garage) has been blue. We are painting it green (Dried Basil to be exact) and the trim will be white (columns in the front, garage doors, etc.) with black shutters.

Here is a before - Jason pressure washing before painting. The crowd watching Daddy and asking many, many questions.
And, as far as Jason got on the painting before the rain came. And to go along with the outside re-do, here are some great landscape lights that go down our sidewalk (in the monkey grass) that Jason got from my parents for his birthday.
I am so excited about this project. Between Jason working Saturdays and rainy Saturdays, it is going to take awhile, but Jason assures me this is one project he will finish. (my fingers are crossed)


  1. Wow! I am impressed you are doing the painting yourself! We've been in our house 4 years, and knew 4 years ago it needed to be painted as well. It's still the same color. I'm eager to see what your finished product looks like!

  2. I am glad to see me car is in good shape! Oh and the house looks good :)

  3. an unrelated comment...I used one of the shabby blogs backgrounds for my blog. Those are cute!


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