and kids

and kids

Sunday, January 9, 2011

48 hour watch

Saturday night, Jason and I were sitting in the kitchen when Capps came up screaming. He was holding his neck. We kept asking, did you get kicked, did you fall and land on your neck funny, etc..

No answers, just tears

and then a sprint to the bathroom to throw up.

It is funny to me how kids don't know how to express that feeling before throwing up.

That poor boy threw up for 12 hours without much relief. He never gets sick, so this was new to him. Sunday he just laid around, sipping on water and gatorade from time to time. Pitiful.

Now, I feel like I'm just waiting for the next victim. I think I was told once you wait 48 hours before you assume you are in clear. Of course, you never know what germs are lurking where. I have Lysoled every door knob and light switch numerous times, along with the toilet every time Capps visited it. I threw away all the toothbrushes. Everyone is also on strict hand sanitizer watch and I went ahead and sprayed the computer keyboard and the piles of toys that were out.

That is all I can do, and now we just wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Capps! It is hard to see little ones sick like that. (But not so hard that I would wish I could take it in their place, I HAVE LIMITS). The waiting is the worst part. Ugg. One good thing I can say about a stomach bug -- (THE ONLY THING), it is good for the appetite and waistline? Praying protection over your family.


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