and kids

and kids

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If you came to my house today, you might see

A snowflake hanging on the key rackSchool Projects on the wall (trying to hide the 1970's radio/intercom system that doesn't work)
AR Reading awards on the cabinet doors
A helium balloon and sticky hand stuck in the high ceiling of the stairwell
A never ending laundry pile
Toothbrushes never in their cup
Monkey Grass that needs to be cut back
Random ball in the bushes
A bat and big sticks in the grass
An empty birdfeeder
and some chalk on the bricks at the front door

And if you come to my house in the following months and those things are still visible, love me anyway!


  1. that's funny. our house looks very similar

  2. I have many of those same pictures of my own house. :-)


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