After dinner at Cracker Barrel last night, a couple of the kids thought they'd waste $2 of their own on big lollipops, so they started on those after lunch today, which I think will be a part of each day this week (Dear dentist, I apologize).
The Xbox died last night- tragic, isn't it? Of course, the boys (husband included) were very disturbed by this. We started our errands today with a 45 minute wait at Best Buy trying to get our warranty filled. There really wasn't a problem, and our customer rep was awesome, just a lot of red tape, plus we had a game stuck inside the dead Xbox that needed to be returned to some very worried little boys.
After getting our new Xbox, that is better than our old one because they don't make ours anymore, we headed to Toys R Us. I had told the kids they could spend their money over Spring Break. I think we were there for an hour, do you know how hard it is to decide what to spend $7-$10 on?? It is a major decision! Mollee had her heart set on an $8 barbie at Target, so we headed over there next. Plus, she was still in need of white shoes for Easter, so we were able to take care of that task also.
We had left the house at 1:00 and it was almost 4:00 when we got home. Daegan and Capps bought Lego sets and Tavis got some Playmobile. Here is everyone working on or enjoying their new toys.
Jason had to work late so we had a late dinner of 'hodge podge', which means whatever leftovers and such we could find in the frig. What did that mean tonight? Hamburgers for Jason and Daeg, a hotdog for Mac, bacon sandwich for T, deli meat and cheese stick for Capps, and Mollee and I had grilled cheese and bean soup. The kids usually like 'hodge podge' night because everyone is going to find something they like!
My night has ended with a quick trip to CVS (where I got $70 worth of stuff for $29 - including a lot of pull-ups and some expensive meds that I always avoid buying) that I wasn't willing to make with the kids and now blogging and very, very soon - SLEEP!
in the not-so-distant- future, this "night" gets even better-- it becomes, HEY GUYS YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, EAT WHATEVER YOU CAN FIND (note mom leaving kitchen :) Now this is not an "often" event, b/c i cook every single night.... the whole deal--- so when these nights happen the kids think it is FABULOUS and i feel elated :) fun! Usually save them for when scott and i are going out or a really-tired-Sunday night.