Mollee had a party from 10-12 and Tavis had a party from 3-5. I thought that was doable, but then I found out about a third party also from 10-12 that all the kids were invited to and, the icing on the cake (no pun intended), Jason had to work.
So I took Mollee to her party and then headed the boys to the other party late. Here are my boys with my nephew, Lou, the birthday boy!!
We got home around 12:30, Jason got home around 1:00. I headed out to go to Publix and pick up prescriptions from CVS. I got home at 3:00, just enough time to get Tavis ready (in a bathing suit) and out the door to get to his party at 3:30. I snuck over to Hobby Lobby, sans kids, during the party and then we were heading home at 5:30. We picked up pizza for dinner and afterwards, I had some peanut butter caramel popcorn to make for a friends' birthday.
Now I'm blogging and wondering if my arms are ever going to stop itching???