and kids

and kids

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I didn't feel like they were quiet that long.

This is a little delayed, but I needed it recorded for the history books, so I'm adding it two weeks late.

I was babysitting my nephew, Malachi, when I realized it had been awhile since I saw Mac and Malachi. I didn't think too much of it, but went to find them. I knew they had been playing on the front porch.

This is what I found : two cheery boys eating candy canes and using their faces as canvases.

Their smiles faded as I started to find all their other canvases.

Front porch pillar Front Porch Screen
Garage DoorChair
Other garage door frame
Both sides (different colors)Recycle can
And, the bumper of my van

You have to wonder what in the world was going through their minds that made them think that this was ok?


  1. I remember one Easter, Etienne and his cousin disappeared in their brand new Easter clothes only to be found wrestling over the hose in the back yard and covered from head to foot in mud. Ah, boys.

  2. gotta hate the sharpies. one two year old RUINED our entire basement with a black one in 10 minutes. Pottery Barn slip covers, carpet, walls, EVERYTHING!
    i think my heart actually stopped at one point when i fully took it all in.

  3. Oh, I love this post and can totally relate! I'm sitting here right now looking at a masterpiece done by my 7 year old about 4 years ago. It is still here. There are still some hints of another one in the hall from six years ago, and another on the wall to my left.

    I caught one of my kids and his cousin with the upstairs window open at about this age - throwing toys out! I didn't think they could get in too much trouble alone in the bedroom until, from the living room below, I could see toys flying into the front yard!! I'm glad they were only interested in watching the toys fly and hadn't decided to try it themselves yet!

    I hope you are able to clean up the really important stuff and nothing was completely ruined!


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